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The Industry is in full swing with some amazing technology on the horizon!

The Evolve Solutionist Show Report: Infocomm 2023 Edition

  • Client:
    Evolve Technology
  • Location:
    Orlando, FL
  • Industry:
    Live Events

It’s hard to gather the people of Live Events into one location and it hasn’t really happened since 2019. We are a very nebulous and decentralized group. The Pandemic exacerbated this and cost us many talented individuals. That is why it felt so good to see a vibrant and thriving Infocomm23, one of the few chances for an industry to really connect face to face.

The manufacturers kept their booths efficient and to the point, only a few went over the top in terms of size or production (LG enters the room). The focus seemed to be on people and relationships; of course, they were peddling their wares, but even small booths seemed to have an abundance of employees. Perhaps nobody wanted to be left at home in anticipation of their first big tradeshow in several years. This led to a lot of mingling and one thing that really stood out and did my heart good was to see competing manufacturers and distributors deep in conversation about the industry.

We had the privilege of sending our team of Solutionists to explore the floor with the aim to share our experiences and insights gained from Infocomm23. Our primary focus was on engaging with manufacturers, examining new technologies, and discerning the prevailing trends that will shape our industry in the near future. Each Solutionist will share a brief statement on their thoughts about the show and summarize a few key items that impressed them.

By The Numbers

  • Total registrants for InfoComm 2023:

  • Verified attendees:

  • Exhibitors showcased:

  • Total Exhibitor Space:

    358,700 sqft

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